Let a Working Hollywood Producer Teach you How to Create a WINNING Demo Reel!

eBook price: $15

Paperback price: $20

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Do YOu want to Create a WINNING demo reel?

So, you heard of a demo reel. You’re probably wondering, “Why do I need one and what should be on it?” This eBook will answer all of your questions that will, ultimately, help you secure the job! A well-constructed demo reel, with exceptional work examples or acting performances, is often the key to gaining employment in the entertainment business. Although there are varied opinions on demo reels, there are key industry standards that can position you for potential job opportunities and booking more auditions as an actor, which leads to success!

Whether you are just starting out in the entertainment business, or you consider yourself to be a veteran, as an actor, director, producer or other types of creative, you will need a visual resume in motion. This displays your potential and showcases what you sound and look like. If you are a producer or director, your demo reel will highlight a sample of your work that you have compiled, whether or not you can handle a job, and if your quality is top-notch.

Ultimately, your demo reel is your calling card in Hollywood. It gives insight to potential employers of who you are and why they should hire you.

As a seasoned film producer, prior to hiring any actors or actresses, we watch countless demo reels. This allows us to determine if they are a good fit for a particular role, and whether or not we want to bring them in for an audition. Regarding directors, as a film producer, I watch their demo reel to view their style, tone, and pacing. I’m looking to see if they can direct actors and if their demo reel is diverse. I’m checking to see if it’s exciting and, ultimately, how they move the camera. Thus, we watch demo reels for anyone who is creative in the business as a way to weed out people. Then, we decide if we want to hire them and move forward in the process. As a producer, I must have a demo reel to showcase the films that I have produced. This shows a potential employer or investor that my work is of high quality and that I am not only a good investment, but I am more than capable of getting the job done.

A great demo reel will not get you a role. However, it can help you book an audition or land the job. Actors, casting directors want to see what you look like and sound like. They want to know that, ultimately, you can act. A demo reel is becoming one of the most important pieces in securing work. You don’t want to be the one who is not forging ahead in your career because you don’t have a demo reel. Think of a demo reel as a visual resume, which gives someone a sample of what they will get if they hire you.


from a working Hollywood producer!


Hello, fellow creative, my name is Angela White, and I am a film and television producer, author, business coach, strategist, and motivational speaker. I have produced over thirty-five films or television shows that have aired or be distributed on Showtime, BET, Starz, Lifetime, Netflix, Amazon, and Allblk. Being a filmmaker is my passion as telling unique stories that can influence and impact the world is my mission.

I want you to win at this game called life, and you have decided that you want a career in the world of entertainment, so allow me to be your mentor. You are the master of your destiny, and control the outcome, so let’s become the next superstar filmmaker! Let's go!!!!!

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Angela White

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Who is Angela White and what has she done?

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Having a Demo Reel will allow you to:

Book a job.

Highlight your work.

Acquire an agent or manager.

Jumpstart your professional career.

Show off your skills.

Review your work history, to-date.

Gauge your skills as an actor.

Show camera presence, personality, command, style, attitude, and experience in front of the camera.

are YOU ready to Make YOur DEMO REEL?



How much is the eBook versus the paperback version?

The eBook is $15.00 and the paperback is $20.00.

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Your eBook is available to be downloaded instantly unless it is on preorder, whereas the paperback is delivered to you address listed on the checkout page.

How do I order an autographed paperback copy of the eBook?

You can click the option paperback, and in the memo request "autograph copy," and it will be shipped.

What if I do not know what a demo reel is?

A demo reel, sometimes called a sizzle reel or showreel, is a video presentation of mini clips in two minutes or less, highlighting your best work. A demo reel shows your range and abilities as an actor or performer. A showreel or sizzle
reel are interchangeable terms with a demo reel. An actor needs a demo reel to post on their website, submit to casting sites, such as "Actor's Access," marketing and promotion, and to secure an agent or manager.

What if I do not have footage to make a demo reel?

When you’re first starting out in the business, you might not have any professional footage. However, you do not want to
look like the person who does not know that you are supposed to have a demo reel.

This book will provide valuable action steps on how to create a demo reel, even if you do not presently have footage.

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